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Thursday, February 27, 2014

The No Name Dip

Alright so the other day I told you I would give you the recipe for the dip that I made for trivia night. According to Nick this dip has "no name". So I have dubbed it the "no name dip". Original, I know. This dip is super easy and cheap to make. It seriously only contains four ingredients. Four. 

 What you need:

  • 16 oz sour cream (I know the one in the picture is two 8oz but that's because the store I went to didn't have the 16oz of the kind I like)
  • Real bacon bits. Make sure they are real. I used fake ones one time and it was the WORST thing I have ever tasted.
  • Shredded cheese. I prefer cheddar jack but I'm sure whatever kind you want to add would work.
  • A dry ranch packet. They make different flavored ones but I would go with the original.

Just mix all of that together and viola, your dip is done. It looks kind of like throw up but I promise it's amazing. What I do is add the sour cream and then mix in the ranch. After mixing those together I add in the bacon bits and stir. And after all of that is stirred together I mix in the entire thing of cheese.
Eat with whatever kind of crackers or chips you would like. And try not to eat the entire thing in one sitting. Which I would do if Nick wouldn't make fun of me. Good thing I don't live on my own or I would only eat this dip, ice cream, and cookies. Whatev.
 photo signiature_zps56ce7144.png


LindiNicole said...

This looks SO good! I'll definitely have to try it out! :) Thanks for sharing.

Sweet Southern Sparkle

Momoftwo said...

Add chicken to it. Delicious

sherry said...

This is such a yummy dip and so easy to make !!

DebG1951 said...

How much cheese? Bacon bits?

Unknown said...

as much as you want!

Unknown said...

Well we've been eating this for years at the office -- we call it 'crack' dip. It's highly addictive. I've also heard baked potato dip - not as enticing though :)

Unknown said...

Oh my thats a game changer. 😁

Unknown said...

So a friend of mine used to make this all of the time. She called it Flintstone Dip
Don't ask me why. She put bits of thin sliced deli ham instead of bacon, but I have made it with both. Also the local grocery store made it in the deli, and sold cartons simply labeled "Bacon Dip"
Glad you posted as I had forgotten about it!!!

Unknown said...

I am going to try green onions with it to see how it tastes.

Unknown said...

Similiar to Million Dollar Dip

Unknown said...

Million Dollar is addicting! Yummy!!!!!

Unknown said...

My family calls it loaded potato dip. It's everything they like on a baked potato and works great as a dip for potato chips

Anonymous said...

Just looking at the pic I guessed it had tuna in it just looked that consistency

Unknown said...

I make good I add green onions

Unknown said...

My friend gave me this recipe several years ago and she called it crack dip.

Keesh said...

This is loaded potato dip..I guess it has many names and no name lol

Shylala said...

looks like the whole package of each

Shylala said...

would be great for baking chicken then spooning over a baked potato!

Anonymous said...

Sounds great and simple,,I might add broccoli and shredded chicken some times,,thank you for sharing

Anonymous said...

I would add dried chives

Anonymous said...

I’m wondering if you could use plain yogurt in lieu of sour cream.

Anonymous said...

How much cheese do you add? I tried enlarging your ture, but it doesn't show the weight of the bag.

Anonymous said...

Yes I make the same dip too! Easy to make and so addicting!

Anonymous said...

Eat with Fritos! Way better than crackers. Love this dip

Anonymous said...

Love the idea of both green onions and the dried chives

Anonymous said...

I see a partial 2 in the bottom left corner

Anonymous said...

Yes, you can substitute Greek yogurt for sour cream.

Anonymous said...

I made it and added a tsp of horseradish

Anonymous said...

Add dried minced onion and a couple drops of Worcestershire sauce. Delicious!

Anonymous said...

Is that 2cups of cheese

Anonymous said...

I got this recipe from my SIL years ago and it is so delicious! I actually just made some last week ! It is a win win ! Not sure what she calls it .

Anonymous said...

I’ve been making this dip for years, a true crowd pleaser and so easy! Bacon, cheddar, ranch dip in my house. Make it with cream cheese instead and roll in more bacon bits for a cheese ball!

Anonymous said...

We also have been making this dip for years. To take the loaded potato dip one step further, we serve it with hot waffle fries.

Anonymous said...

Picture looks like a 16 oz. Package of shredded cheese.

Anonymous said...

How about Trivia Night Dip

Anonymous said...

Serve it in a bread bowl… wrap in foil and warm just a bit! Use the torn out pieces of bread as a cracker.

Anonymous said...

I grade my own cheese, so how much cheese does it take? Thank you.

Granny Jean said...

I make this, only I use 8 oz sour cream and 8 oz cream cheese. If I cook bacon for breakfast the day I am making the dip I fry bacon to crumble for the dip instead of using packaged.
Very good dip,

Anonymous said...

This would be sooo delicious over pasta!

Anonymous said...

I make a similar dip only use a can of drain albacore tuna and 4 ounces of cream cheese and 4 ounces of sour cream with cheddar cheese and bacon bits.

Anonymous said...

Could you make this printable?

Anonymous said...

I would never use the word throw up when describing food 🤮🤮

Anonymous said...

Looks good I will have to make it thank you

Anonymous said...

For years my friends and I have called it crack dip. So good’

Anonymous said...

Crackers and chips are the only things mentioned. Wouldn’t this dip go good with raw veggies, and especially to stuff celery?

Anonymous said...

Hidden Valley printed this on their packets years ago and called it HVR Bacon and Cheddar Ranch Dip. Original had fake bacon bits and you're right, it's terrible. Think they fixed that quick. It was before 'real' bits were sold...It was 3/4 cup bits and 1 cup shredded cheese. That makes it pretty thick, so I cut back on the cheese..,sometimes 😍 no name or Crack Dip fits much better. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Hi there, im from the UK, please tell me what a dry ranch packet is! We dont have this in the uk, ha!

Anonymous said...

It is a packet with herbs and seasonings used primarily to make salad dressing when mixed with milk and mayonnaise. Can have many uses to flavor meats, soups etc. Sold under brand name hidden valley.

Anonymous said...

Amounts of ingredients ???!!

Anonymous said...

The first time I tried this dip was at my daughter in law and my son. I knew I was going to make it for us at a gathering. The best "stuff" I have ever made, if you can afford the calories dig in.

Anonymous said...

I added crab to it. So yummy!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a wonderful topping for baked potatoes.

Anonymous said...

Yesss that sounds amazing 🤩

Anonymous said...

Just wondering…has anyone tried it with the cheese on top and heated up in oven?

Jeanne said...

It’s very good and simple and fast to make.!!!

Anonymous said...

But there is no potatoes in it? lol

Anonymous said...

2 cups.

Anonymous said...

I have been making this since 2007 and we call it loaded potatoe dip. Like everything you’d put on a baked potato

Anonymous said...

You can put it ON baked potatoes. Then there will be potato in it.

Anonymous said...

It's a mix for making ranch salad dressing - a hideous concoction that many people in the United States seem to love. Personally, I hate it. But any powdered salad dressing mix you might have in the UK would work.

Anonymous said...

Add a block of cream cheese 🙂. Yummy!!

Anonymous said...

I add black beans to the no name.. love this dip. Made slot for holiday parties

Anonymous said...

This recipe came from a grocery store in Greenville Ohio years ago. The original way to eat this dip is with frito scoops. It was call Bacon Ranch dip.

Anonymous said...

Try the fiesta ranch great flavor and I used the Frito scoop chips

Anonymous said...

I make a similar dip that my neighbor gave me that calls for chopped tomatoes . She called it BLT dip even though there is no lettuce in it. 😀

Anonymous said...

Why did you not give the amount for the ingredients? You only listed sour cream🤔

Mar said...

This may be good, but I would never call it cheap! At today's prices, would cost me at least $ $7, which is not cheap in my book.
For those asking for the recipe, here's a link for the original recipe from HVR:

Anonymous said...

Just wondering if I could heat this dip up in the oven?

Anonymous said...

This dip is known as “Crack” dip because it’s addicting! So it does have a name .

Anonymous said...

I’ve made this, also adding green onions or chives, and then serve it with potato chips … “loaded baked potato dip”

Anonymous said...

Some finely chopped garlic would be yummy and perhaps a dash of Worcestershire.

Melaney said...

Thank you for sharing! Easy and amazing. Just the way I like it!!!

Anonymous said...

That’s what we call it here in Newfoundland… Bacon Dip

Anonymous said...

I was thinking that to. Although it is good just like this.

Anonymous said...

Just use the entire contents of each package as shown in the picture- that's what makes it so easy!

Anonymous said...

"Amounts" aren't needed- you just use the contents of each package shown...

Anonymous said...

We call it crack dip.

Anonymous said...

This is also called Crack Dip aka Bacon Cheddar Ranch Dip. I have been making this for years and it’s a huge hit. Very tasty and is a hit at parties.

Anonymous said...

The baked "potatoe" part of the recipe comes from the potatoe chips you use for dipping

Anonymous said...

Ive added crean cheese to it as well

Adeline said...

Yummy goodness i will try it thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Looks so good!Can't wait to try!!

Anonymous said...

What does Ranch salad dressing's ingredients so i can see if i can fund something similar in South Africa? Would really live to try this dip out

Anonymous said...

How much shredded cheese?

Anonymous said...

Add a can of drained shredded chicken for more flavor and consistency! I’ve made this before with half cream cheese and half sour cream and baked it!! Cracked chicken dip in our house and it is a great Super Bowl dish. I’ve never come home with anything left!!!

Anonymous said...

Powdered Buttermilk, garlic, onion, and other spices that they don't tell you what they are.

Anonymous said...

And if we can’t access the exact packages? Lol. An amount is needed.

Anonymous said...

If you don’t like the “throw up” look:
Try combining the sour cream, ranch & bacon bits first. Move to serving container. Sprinkle the cheese on top.

Anonymous said...

I used the Hidden Valley Fiesta Ranch dip. It was YUMMY!

Anonymous said...

Hi 👋 just wondering can this dip be heated up?
You know, to melt the cheese!

Anonymous said...

We call this cheddar bacon ranch dip

Anonymous said...

Why would you say "it looks like throw up"?!? It may be great, but after that comment I will probably not make it. I would not be able to get that thought out of my head when I looked at it. I probably would never have thought that if you hadn't said it. You can't un-ring a bell or un-see a thing.
What were you thinking?

Anonymous said...

This is called ranch dip. The recipe is on the back of the ranch dip packet box. It’s very good scooped up on cut up bagels.

Anonymous said...

How much bacon

Anonymous said...

Sounds yummy. Thank you for sharing the recipe 🥰

Anonymous said...

I will try this.

Anonymous said...

Chicken chives put it in crescent rolls and bake?

Anonymous said...

You could blend some cottage cheese and make this dip higher protein!

Anonymous said...

It is a kind of “salad dressing” packet of dry ingredients.

Anonymous said...

Perfect go to for Super Bowl. It's delicious. I make a double batch, it disappears fast at parties.

Anonymous said...

it was fine until you said it look like vomit and I kind of not interested. No more

Anonymous said...

It has a name - Crack Dip. I’ve been making this for years; always a winner

Anonymous said...

2 cups

Jude said...

Hi. I remember having something similar to this when I was a youngster but they used imitation crab in it.

Anonymous said...

You don’t say how much cheese or bacon bits to use.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Looks great, I wonder if shredded chicken would be good in it?

Anonymous said...

I have been making this dip for over 10 years

Anonymous said...

I make this a lot! You can add 1 can chunk chicken, 1/4c hot sauce and heat up in microwave for delicious Buffalo Chicken dip! Serve with celery and "voila" it's healthy!

Anonymous said...

I am going to try this at our next Ladies meeting at church

Anonymous said...

Just made this. Can’t wait to try once the ingredients come together!

Anonymous said...

Wonder if it would be good on meats or chicken as like a sauce

Anonymous said...

My bff got this recipe from her nephew’s wife years ago. It didn’t come with a name then either. We decided to call it Skinny Dippin. A little tongue in cheek because there is nothing skinny about it. 😆

Anonymous said...

Cheddar bacon ranch dip! Yum

Anonymous said...

I make it this way and add horseradish. Delious

Anonymous said...

What about adding small cherry tomatoes and Heating it up in the oven? Make it a hot dip.