Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Blog Hopping!
Hello! Tonight I am going on a blog hop! What is that you may ask? Well it is a way for bloggers to get their names out there and to also discover new blogs to read! This is my first one so hopefully it goes well!

Go here to join! :)

Memorial Day Weekend!
I hope everyone had a fantabulous weekend! I also hope that all of you took time to remember why we actually celebrate Memorial Day. And no, it's not so that we can lay around a pool and eat bbq all day. It's to honor the men and women who serve and have served our country and have given us the opportunity to lay around the pool and eat bbq all day. So I hope you thanked them!
I took a lot of pictures this weekend (are you surprised). So now I am going to show them to you because I know you love looking at them! :) I laid around my aunt and uncles pool Sunday and Monday and went to a cook out on Sunday night with my friends. It was a great weekend and I am glad I got to spend it with the people I love.
I took a lot of pictures this weekend (are you surprised). So now I am going to show them to you because I know you love looking at them! :) I laid around my aunt and uncles pool Sunday and Monday and went to a cook out on Sunday night with my friends. It was a great weekend and I am glad I got to spend it with the people I love.
Eric trying to fly the kite we made him put together. We wouldn't even let him eat until he was done with it. I know, we are great friends :)
My attempt at flying a kite
Michael and Nick trying to fly the kites
"What should I do with my hands?"
Chinese lantern
Trying to let it go
It just fell and burned :(
The boyfriend
He loves me, obvi.
Our resident bug killer
The bathing beauties :)
It was a great weekend if I do say so myself. I hope you all had just as great of one! I got a little burnt though. I actually have a sunglasses tan line, and I have never had one of those -_-.
Thanks for reading! :)
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Random Ramblings!
Hello and happy Thursday! One more day until Friday which means a three day weekend! I.Am.So.Excited. Can you tell?! :) Plus, it's Memorial Day weekend which means sales, sales, sales! Heck yes.
So today I am just going to randomly ramble, hence the title of the post. Because frankly I don't know if I will be able to get on tomorrow for Friday Findings and I just really am out of post ideas for the day. I have been reading/doing homework all day while at work (I know, I do a lot) and my brain is fried.
First off I want to ask a huge favor from everyone. Actually, scratch that, it is not a huge favor. It will take about 30 seconds out of your day, every day, for the next month. I think you can all manage that right? So my friend Coy is in a band called Joker's Wild.
Go out and do this after your workday, I bet you feel better!
So today I am just going to randomly ramble, hence the title of the post. Because frankly I don't know if I will be able to get on tomorrow for Friday Findings and I just really am out of post ideas for the day. I have been reading/doing homework all day while at work (I know, I do a lot) and my brain is fried.
First off I want to ask a huge favor from everyone. Actually, scratch that, it is not a huge favor. It will take about 30 seconds out of your day, every day, for the next month. I think you can all manage that right? So my friend Coy is in a band called Joker's Wild.
See, there they are.
And they need your help! They are a local band and they are trying to take their music career to the next level. They are trying to get the opportunity to play at Warped Tour, and Battle of the Bands is having a contest to help local musicians achieve their dream of making it big. All you need to do is go to this website and create an account which takes maybe a minute. Then every day go back to this website and vote for them. Oh, and while you are at it listen to their songs. You'll probably enjoy them. I do. Go here for more details on the contest and on the boys. Thanks for voting! (Because I know you will)
Anyways I found this picture of Megan Fox today.
She's like trying to hide her pregnancy and has yet to come out and say she is actually pregnant. Um hello, look at her. If you have ever seen any pictures of her before you know that she is obvi pregnant in this one.
I mean look.
There she is not pregnant. My point is proven.
In case you live under a rock, the American Idol finale was last night. And the winner is.....
Phillip Phillips. Yeah, I just went there. If you are reading this and didn't already know, sorry botcha but come on, how do you not know?
Anyways, not only did this happen.
But this happened.
So freaking adorbs.
And incase you were wondering who those people are. That is Diana Degarmo (season 3) and Ace Young (season 5). Both were on American Idol and they are also the first couple ever produced from American Idol and now they are engaged! So cute.
And I am leaving you with this. Because, well.... do I really have to explain why? :)
Thanks for reading! Don't forget to vote! :)
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Mini Muffin Pancakes!
Good morning! Today I bring you a recipe I found last night. It was found on Pinterest but there was no link on how to make it so I basically just winged it and now I am here to give you some instructions on how to make it. Obvi it's not that hard since I figured it out on my own!
All you need is some Bisquick, fruit of your choice or whatever you want to put into it, and a mini muffin tray
Put the fruit in first. Actually spray first, but of course I forgot to do this -_-
Make up your batter then pour it in. I did 1 TBSP in each
Bake at 350 for approx. 6 minutes
He loved them!
Happy food making everyone! Thanks for reading!
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
My Bucket List!
Hello and happy Tuesday! The most boring day of the week. But if you have been reading my posts you already know how I feel about Tuesday.
Anyways, I am currently working on getting through all of the pictures from Carrie's graduation this weekend and then I will have a post about that. My family and I are all so proud of her and how much she has accomplished! You can read all about that here.
For today I figured I would share with you some of the items on my bucket list. There are quite a few so bare with me. These are in no particular order btw.
One day. In maybe 10 years or so. Not anytime soon, for reals.
Yes please
This summer hopefully!
Especially an American Soldiers!
Oh em gee I would die!
Preferably Channing Tatum, obvi.
On my way to becoming one!
If only I didn't live in the middle of Illinois...
But not one that looks this mean! Ha!
Just like my Grandma Barb!
I just love her show!
Alright, that is a lot I know. But hey a girl can have some dreams right? There is probably more but I'll spare you for the time being.
What is on your bucket list? Or have you accomplished anything on mine? I want to know!
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