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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

A second burrito post

So I can promise you that I do not eat burritos for every single meal. It just so happens that the last two posts of mine are about burritos. Total coincidence. But last night I was trying to decide what to make for dinner and because as soon as I get home, I change in to pajamas, I did not feel like putting regular people clothes back on and going to the store. So I was searching my cabinets for things that I already had and noticed that I have 2432432 packs of ramen. Lightbulb moment. I googled "recipes with ramen" and so many posts came up. But this one caught my eye. It seemed simple enough and I already had all of the ingredients at home. Perfect. So I got to work. The first thing I had to do was google how to cook chicken on the stove because the only way I know how to cook chicken is in the oven. Give me a break, I'm new at this whole living on my own thing. Anyways, I just followed that recipe except for the garlic and chili powder and I think mine turned out just fine.

My pictures aren't near as good as the ones on the site I used for inspiration. But that's probably because I was too worried about all the hot oil that had splashed up onto my hands and arms. Seriously, I did not know that cooking chicken this way made the oil pop that much. I was probably doing something wrong, but oh well. Live and learn right?

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