Anyone who owns a dog knows what I'm talking about when I say "dog talk". It's that high-pitched, baby voice, talk that comes out when you're talking to your dog. Or maybe your friends dog. Or hey, maybe even a strangers dog because face it, they're all adorable and deserving of the "dog talk". But today I realized that I think I've taken it a step farther. Or maybe 100 steps farther when I talk to Luke. Seriously, I don't think there is anyone in the world who talks to their dog the way I talk to Luke. Even he probably thinks I'm insane.
When Nick is home we both talk to him like he's a new born baby. But when it's just me and Luke the crazy in me comes out. I'm not joking, it's one thing after another. The second we wake up it's "Oh good morning babies." And obviously said in a high-pitched voice. Also, I have no idea why I call him babies, because he's one dog, but I do so whatever. I swear to god everything is said in a super high-pitched voice that I didn't even know I had. And it's only gotten worse in the year that we've had him. He's the "cutest baby ever" and the "handsomest boy in the world" and "my bestest baby". Wow, I don't even know why I'm admitting all of this to you.
And then I tell Luke everything. And I mean everything. Like what I want to eat or what I'm currently thinking or when I have to go to the bathroom. He knows everything. Thank god he can't talk. And yes, even normal "Get off my lap, I have to go to the bathroom" is said in a high-pitched voice. I don't even know what has happened to me. When I ask him if he wants breakfast or dinner, high-pitched voice. When I ask him if he has to go potty, high-pitched voice. When I tell him to stop barking at the mailman, yup, high-pitched voice. I'm insane, I know, but I can't help it. He's 90 pounds of monster but I love it and I still only see him as a 20 pound baby ball of fur.
Circa January 2014
But really, you all cannot tell me that you've caught yourself talking like a crazy person to your animals. If you love your animal even half as much as I love Luke, then you know exactly what I am talking about. It's that voice that gets turned on the second you walk in the door and never leaves when you are talking to them. Unless they're in trouble, like Luke is quite a bit. Then it's a stern, well as stern as I can be, "Lucas Raymond" until he looks at me and then the baby/puppy voice is turned right back on. That is all I have for you this rainy Tuesday. I'm just going to go back to snuggling and talking to Luke like a crazy person. See ya.