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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend!

I hope everyone had a fantabulous weekend! I also hope that all of you took time to remember why we actually celebrate Memorial Day. And no, it's not so that we can lay around a pool and eat bbq all day. It's to honor the men and women who serve and have served our country and have given us the opportunity to lay around the pool and eat bbq all day. So I hope you thanked them!

I took a lot of pictures this weekend (are you surprised). So now I am going to show them to you because I know you love looking at them! :) I laid around my aunt and uncles pool Sunday and Monday and went to a cook out on Sunday night with my friends. It was a great weekend and I am glad I got to spend it with the people I love.

Eric trying to fly the kite we made him put together. We wouldn't even let him eat until he was done with it. I know, we are great friends :)
My attempt at flying a kite
Michael and Nick trying to fly the kites
"What should I do with my hands?"
Chinese lantern
Trying to let it go
It just fell and burned :(
The boyfriend
He loves me, obvi.

Our resident bug killer

The bathing beauties :)

It was a great weekend if I do say so myself. I hope you all had just as great of one! I got a little burnt though. I actually have a sunglasses tan line, and I have never had one of those -_-.

Thanks for reading! :)

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