Happy Friday everyone! I had the whole day off! Well kind of. I didn't have to go into work but I have been pretty busy today because tonight is my cousin Shelby's bridal shower! I am so excited for it and it's not even like I am the one getting the presents! I think I am so excited because I am so happy for her. Let me tell you a little about her. She is like my older sister that I never had. We do a lot together and she has been there for me through a lot of my difficult times and I like to think I have been there for her :). She is a gorgeous, sweet, lovely person and anyone who knows her knows that I am telling the truth. She has been there for me from spitting gum in my hair (on accident obvi) when I was little, to doing my hair for almost every single on of my dances in high school, to break-ups with boys and fights with girls. I honestly don't know what I would have done without her. Now anyways enough of my rambling. Here are a few pictures of us, because what is this post without any pictures of us? And then I will continue onto the Friday Findings!

My first finding of today is this blog. This girl is seriously awesome. Her body transformation is amazing and just the way she seems to carry herself is awesome. She is always posting uplifting stuff and some really yummy looking recipes. And on Friday's she posts Friday Funnies.
Like this pup for example! :)
Next is this tutorial. It's how to make picture coasters. Be looking for a post real soon on how I made my own! I love them and they add a personal touch to any room you add them to!
My last finding of the day is this recipe. It's puppy chow with only 100 calories per cup. Regular puppy chow is 365 calories per cup. Um hello, which is the obvi choice here people? So check it out and try it! I will definitely need to check it out soon!
Tomorrow I will have pictures from the shower for all of you family members and friends who could not make it but would love to see how lovely it looked! :) I hope you are all having a great Friday and have an awesome Friday night! Thank you for reading! :)
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